Wednesday, January 30, 2013

First Degree Biting

I'm just trying to get a little bit of writing done and I hear a ruckus coming from the living room. So I use my ninja-like-stealth-daddy ability to sneak up on them to assess the situation. And there's Morgan (2 yrs old) chasing Zari (4 yrs old) around the living room growling and yelling "I'm gonna bite youuuuu. Grrrrrrrrr! I'm gonna bite youuuuu. Aarrggghhhh!"And Zari running in circles for her life like she's somehow convinced that her little sister is really some kind of vicious sister-eating monster.

I know that she knows that biting is a spanking-worthy offense in this house so all I can do is remain undetected and wait to see how far this goes. Some might call that entrapment but I call it "that's what you get!" And yet, every time she growls "I'm gonna bite youuuuuuu!" I feel like I should be reading her the Miranda rights or something. If this case goes to mommy/daddy court she won't stand a chance. Poor kid.


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