Monday, January 7, 2013

Note To Self

Note: Well, you did it again. You stayed up until 3 am watching movies, fighting sleep and surfing the net. But as usual you forgot one thing. The girls are going to be awake at 7:30 am right on schedule. They don't care about your "me time" or that the only time you get to unload the stress of the day is late at night after everyone else is asleep. It makes no difference to them that instead of doing the sensible thing and going to bed with everyone else that you CHOOSE to spin your tires on meaningless activities out of some misguided sense of "man duty". All they care about is that the oatmeal is hot and the chocolate milk is wet. So please stop doing this to yourself. You're not 22 years old anymore. Not only is it okay to go to bed before midnight, it's also healthier. Get a grip man! I'm tired of slogging through the day like a "walker" barely able to open my eyes, moaning and grunting more than making coherent sentences. Just let it go son, let it go. 

Yours Truly, 

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