Friday, January 18, 2013

Stinky Delicious

On the way downstairs for breakfast Zari caught a whiff of something unpleasant. And felt it was her duty to get to the bottom of it.

Z: Pewwww weee. What is that smell daddy?
Me: I don't smell anything. What does it smell like?
Z: I don't know. I have to find it.

(checks the bathroom, then the living room)

Z: It smells like one of Morgy's dirty diapers. Yuck.
Me: (trying to contain my amusement) Is it that bad? I still don't smell it.
Z: Uh huh, it's yucky. Can you open a window?
Me: (Lol) It's too cold to open a window.
Z: Please daddy, it's terrible.

(we walk into the kitchen and...)

Z: Oh there it is! It's my strawberry cupcake from yesterday!
Me: Strawberry cupcake?! You thought that smelled like a dirty diaper.
Z: Uh huh. Can I eat it?
Me: For breakfast? Um, no.
Z: Please daddy!
Me: You just said it smelled terrible
Z: But it tastes delicious!


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