Thursday, January 3, 2013

Like Ashley Judd in "Missing"

One part of parenting that I know is normal that I don't think I'll ever get used to is the constant "worry" or paranoia I feel whenever I think about my girls being out in the real world without me.

*NOTE: My girls are 4 and 2 so this won't even be a realistic issue for the near future*

The mere thought of dropping my oldest off for her first day of school turns my stomach in knots and I flashback to every news story I've ever heard about kids being bullied or school bus accident or much worse. But if it's not any of the many random school disaster scenarios that race through my mind, then it's visions of one of my daughters being an adult and having to fend off slimy, greasy, lying, no-good, evil, men.

What's going to happen if Morgan is walking back to her dorm from the library (in the year 2029) and she's approached by an undesirable or someone with less than noble intentions and I'm thousands of miles away (or 20 if I get my way)? How can I be sure she'll be able to handle herself?

That's why after long deliberation and watching lots of movies with strong heroines, like Angelina Jolie in "Salt" or Ashley Judd in "Missing", I've decided that both of my girls will grow up to be CIA Operatives trained in hand to hand combat as well as extensive weapon training and they'll know Parkour and be Olympian level gymnasts with record breaking speed and strength.

Is that too much to ask?

That's what happens when an overactive imagination collides with an overprotective instinct. I know I can't ALWAYS be there for my babies so the least I can do is make sure they're prepared for when I'm not.

Anyone know the qualifications for CIA school?

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