Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Sibling Paradox

One of the most confusing YET amusing dynamics between the girls is the way they fight with such bloodlust sometimes and the only way to douse the raging fire of their sibling rivalry is to threaten to SEPARATE them.

You're thinking "that's crazy". And that's exactly what I think every time it happens. They fight, I threaten to separate them and they both plead for it not to happen and promise to play nice. Which they do for about 3 and a half minutes and go right back at it like the mini-black Hatfields & McCoys.

It wreaks of dysfunction and they both play the role of the battered wife AND the abusive husband and lash out at me like the interfering neighbor who should just mind his business. 

Next thing you know one of them will be running to me crying about being hit and turn right around to defend the hitter. "She didn't mean it, I shouldn't have taken her toy. She loves me." And as usual if I'm forced to dish out any punishment they'll huddle together afterwards and console one another and look at me with that "mean old daddy" look.

And actually, I'm not mean at all. I'm just confused.


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