Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A Bad Word

If I had to make a list of all the things the girls do or say that make me want to run away from home (for at least a couple of hours) that list would be a mile long (but don't get me wrong, I love my babies).

But lately there's one simple word that makes me cringe every time I hear it. One small three letter word that sets me off the way a matador evokes the fury of a charging bull. A mono-syllabic word that whenever it's uttered even from the mouths of babes is like an unexpected gut punch from 1987 Mike Tyson (but don't get me wrong, I love my babies).

Which word?

But! - With one "T", not two.

Not the butt you sit on, not the butt you find in an ashtray or the victim of a joke. None of the above. I'm talking about the conjunction that means "contrary". As in "contrary to what you said Dad" or "contrary to what you want Dad" or "contrary to how you feel Dad", etc. Every time I hear it I brace myself for some excuse, complaint, objection or just plain old hard-headedness (copyright 2013). If I never have to hear any of these sentences ESPECIALLY preceded by that word ever again, I'd drop to my knees and thank God and anybody else who made it possible.

Exhibit A:

...but I don't want that for dinner
...but I don't want you to turn the t.v. off
...but I don't want to take a nap

...but it's not hers it's mine
...but it's not time to clean up
...but it's not fair

...but you said I could
...but you said we should
...but you said you would

...but I like juice (@breakfast)
...but I like water (@lunch)
...but I like milk (@dinner)

...but why?
...but how?
...but when?

I could go on and on and on...

BUT why bother?  ;-)