Saturday, March 9, 2013

Insurance Policy

For as long as I can remember, my girls absolutely refuse to let me leave the house without giving them a hug and a kiss. If I'm going to the corner store for 5 minutes or a daddy day for 5 hours, they want their hug and kiss. It's really sweet but sometimes it can actually be a bit monotonous especially if I'm in a hurry.  And if I do ever somehow sneak away without performing the ceremonious goodbye, when I return Mrs. Cp is sure to let me know of the carnage I caused by doing so.

But it's not the temper tantrums or tears that makes me fulfill my hug obligation, it's this one nagging and scary idea that when I walk out that door, there is a possibility that I don't walk back through it. That's the world we live in. It's scary out there. But they don't know that. Do they?

Whether they do or not whenever they scream "wait daddy, you have to give us a hug and a kiss before you leave!" what I REALLY hear is "wait daddy, you have to give us a hug and a kiss before you leave in case we never see you again!" And that's some scary sh   stuff to carry out the door with you every time you leave.

So I do it; on the surface just to avoid the immediate drama I'd cause if I didn't. But below the surface I do it because maybe children know something that adults often forget. Maybe everyone should be hugging and kissing their loved ones whenever they say goodbye. Let them know how you feel and that you'll miss them while their gone. It's like insurance just in case something happens.

Just in case.

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