Monday, December 31, 2012

Conversations with a 4 yr-old #1

Z: Daddy can you fix my basket?
Me: Can I do it after I finish reading?
Z: But daddy, i need you to fix it now so i can leave you alone.
Me: You're right, give it to me.
(working diligently to untangle the cloth lining of Easter Basket 2012)
Z: Can you fix it?
Me: I'm trying.
Z: try harder daddy.
Me: I'm trying, I'm trying.
(30 seconds later)
Z: is it fixed?
Me: No.
Z: are you gonna fix it?
Me: If you leave me alone for a minute.
Z: Okay...(10 seconds) you didn't fix it yet?
Me: does it look like i fixed it?
Z: No.
Me: Well...
Z: you want mommy to fix it?
Me: No i got it. Who tangled this up like this anyway?
Z: Morgan
Me: So tell Morgan to fix it!
Z: she can't fix it and i can't fix it and you can't fix it.
Me: I can fix it.
Z: no you can't.
Me: Yes I can
Z: uh uh
(finally I fix it)
Me: See! I told you I could fix it.
Z: Okay, thanks dad!
(grabs it. sets it down on the floor and runs out the room)
Me: Hey!! You better come play with this basket!!
Z: I can't daddy, I'm tired of playing with it.

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