Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Remember When...

In just a short amount of time a lot of things change in a house with two small children. Routines change routinely just to cater to the consistent evolution of behavior, habits and attitudes of toddlers. It’s to a parent’s credit to recognize when it’s time to make those changes before things get out of hand and not try to force feed old ways onto a child that has new ideas (that can get ugly). Every once and a while one of my girls does something that makes me think…”wow, I remember when she couldn’t/wouldn’t do/eat/say that”.  For example…

I Remember When:

I couldn’t leave them on the couch unattended because they might fall off. Now I can’t stop them from willingly jumping on, running into and flipping off of it.

Zari would never talk or barely make a peep. And now…NOW? Let’s just say that if what they say about inquisitive children is true then this kid might cure cancer or something. #pausebutton

We had to be ready to feed them with a warm bottle when they were ready to be fed no matter what time of day or night. And now we have to use everything from desserts to extra tv time and the threat of abandonment (in the kitchen) to get them to eat dinner. 

I couldn’t leave the girls in the same room alone……wait, still can’t do that.

The look of fear in their eyes when I threw them too high in the air. And now the only look of fear is mine when I give in to chants of “higher, higher” the whole time hoping I can make the catch. (Mom note: His first drop will be his last).

They would get a new toy or game and how much I loved to see the joy on their faces…. And now I’m smuggling toys out of the house every week because there’s no room in the toy box, they won’t stop fighting over it, or it’s too loud. #gottagogottago

When I had to do everything for them because they couldn’t do it for themselves……And now? They insist on doing it themselves while begging for help all in the same breath. So no matter what Dad does, it’s going to be wrong. #cantwin

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